‘Hey Gang, Now that the ‘pols’ are loosening a bit with this SIP stuff (sheltering in place), why not have a REAL special Day in person! It’s even legal now to go to most local parks. Besides, you can social distance, as they like to say (I like to say ‘social instance,‘ in some of the great parklands such as those in the Eastbay Park system ( – Did you know it has more square footage of park than any other in the U.S.? It’s hard NOT to social distance at a park like Briones’ Hampton Staging where you’re likely not to see another person! Call it social instancing if you want – at least it sounds better than the other term even if not yet fully defined. Some parks, like Briones, are less crowded than others- and most are now open for business (even if the parking lots are closed, for some reason – people just park outside the gates). You will see so few people at Briones you can’t help but social distance. HERE’S A HANDY MAP – – Briones is conveniently located in Contra Costa County, bordering Orinda, El Sobrante, Lafayette and Martinez – only minutes from anywhere in the Eastbay and with traffic the way it is less than an hour from anywhere in the entire Bay Area. By the way, we also are offering a colorful designer face mask courtesy of our pet cat, Zack, THE CORONA KING,now a felebrity in his own right-be sure to watch his video below ) for you and mom, below. You can spend weeks exploring the vast Briones but we’ve picked out a couple under-the-radar spots for you to start with, at (first two listings). Lots of other Bay Area Backroads, too. Coming soon! Best One Mile (River) WalkNic (walk and picnic) around (Napa)! – Later alligator/saver, –JB